Can you keep a secret?


I just saw the last episode of the drama Secret. It started airing this passed fall, but I never came around to watching it. By coincidence I saw that someone recommended it so I decided to give it a chance. It’s been a while since I’ve been this addicted!

The story is about a woman who sacrifices herself for the man she loves only to receive the complete opposite. As the episodes go on the story unfoldes and the layers get deeper. Was this man worth the sacrifice and is this secret worth keeping? In the midst of the dirt a flower blossoms and gives life to a new love, but can they be together? And can they handle the truth that lies behind this unspeakable secret?

Lol, that was my mysterious way of explaining the plot without giving too much away. Trust me, it’s not depressing. This drama made me LOL hard and smile like a fool while shedding some tears. It really pulls on all of your emotions. Every episode left me craving for more which makes me really happy that I didn’t start watching this drama while it was airing. I curse myself everyday for doing that with Empress Ki. The struggle….is real!

I always know a drama is good when after the last episode I end up going to my personal DOA meetings. Yes, for the ones that haven’t heard of it; that’s Drama Obsession Anonymous. You heard it here first. The meeting usually contains of excessive wall-staring.

I have a meeting to attend.

Till next time,

[Dazzling Snowfall]

Who is the fairest of them all?

In the sense of being fair and unfair.. certainly not me.. ahahaha.. Dare I laugh it off?


“I have been so busy the past few months, it feels surreal. Buuut.. I think I got the hang of this now, so I’m hoping to come back and post a few times here and there..”

Oh God, why did I claim the “unclaimable”… (Shh that’s a word). See how I got the hang of it all? And see how I posted a few times here and there? I am so talented.. Gosh.. I always knew I had it in me.

Alright then, now that I cleared that off, here goes to a better start~

What’s up guys!
It’s been a while like usual. Sorry for neglecting this place so badly. My university life is so overwhelming that I struggle keeping up with stuff! Siiiiigh..

Let’s hope things change from now on.

I downloaded the KBS World app a while back, and boy am I glad I did. I loveeee having this channel. Especially as a student with no TV at the moment.

So thanks to this app, I am currently watching Good Doctor..
I gotta say, this drama is quite good. I really like it thus far. I really like dramas that have a very realistic story line, yet are unique and unimaginable at the same time. If that makes any sense to you. Joo Won has done such a great job. I knew he was a good actor, but damn….He is doing very very very good. I can’t stress that enough.

The concept is brilliant.. but until I am done, I can’t have a final say on the overall drama.
Do check it out as well! I’ll put up the preview for some insight.

Ciao for now~

Yepp kids.. He’s a doc! ;)..

I was scammed…


I recently saw the drama The wedding scheme. In my opinion; the whole drama was a scheme!

I started watching this drama because of the title “The wedding scheme” and the description “A mother of four daughters and the president of a kimchi factory decides to embark on a grand marriage scheme for her children… by having them cohabitate with four eligible bachelors.” I wanted to watch something cute and lovey-dovey, so of course, this seemed like the perfect drama!

I was wrong….

But I don’t want this review to be misleading! The drama was good and cute, but the way the drama was advertised and the actual drama just doesn’t fit. The drama is about a mother with four daughters. The mother is the president of a kimchi factory. The factory is not doing well, so they move out of their beautiful home to a less extravagant one and they gain three male tenants who will live with them. The main focus is on one of the daughters who works at the food division of a company that the mother highly dislikes. The daughter is trying to make her mothers kimchi because the CEO of the company loves it and wants to sell it. But her mother is trying everything in her power to not make that happen. Also, the son of the CEO is in the same food division as the daughter and will also become one of the tenants. We know where this is going. (Highly predictable :P)

This is why I say that the drama itself is misleading. The drama is mainly focused on the kimchi factory and the company. 80% of their conversation was; kimchi, kimchi, kimchi. I swear, I almost dreamt about kimchi. 


Lol, I’m turning into a nutcase. But yes, the mother does say in one episode that whoever marries first will inherit the factory, but nobody seemed too bothered about it. None of the daughters felt like they had to rush to get married or felt any particular pressure. There is no rivalry between the sisters so it’s a pretty peaceful drama. But I do feel like this drama gave me nothing of what I expected. So even though I still laughed really loud at some parts and smiled at the end of the last episode…..

I still feel scammed!

[Dazzling Snowfall]



The unforgettable tale of a “Horse doctor”

65199270And so the story goes…

I finished watching the drama Horse doctor a couple of minutes ago :P. I wanted to write the review while all the emotions were still fresh. I’ve got one word; exceptional!

Watching historical dramas are always tricky to me. I often feel nervous because 80% of the historical dramas I’ve seen end tragically. I’m also dreading the fact that it might be a bad drama, but since most historical dramas have a lot of episodes, I might find that out a little too late since I want to give it a chance. So you guys get my point; I do a lot of thinking before I see a historical drama. But for some reason, something about this drama attracted me. I put it in my “watch-when-all-the-episodes-come-out list” haha. Although I literally knew nothing of the drama. I guess it was just my drama senses kicking in 😛

The plot is very complex. Almost to the point where it’s impossible to explain it without giving something important away. I’ll try my best though! It’s basically about a boy( Baek Kwanghyun) who will have his whole fate twisted upside down due to one action that was done the minute he was born. He will live a life that is not his own. After another twisted fate, he finds himself at a horse farm as an orphan at the age of 11. Here he lives till he’s a young adult. He becomes a horse doctor that will later get the opportunity to become an apprentice in the royal pharmacy – and we all know that a ladder is created to be climbed, so he will indeed climb to the top where he eventually becomes the royal physician taking care of the Royal family.

During all the mess, fortune and misfortune that happens in his life, he meets a girl(Kang Jinyong) – three times. Once at birth, the second time when he’s 11, and the third time in the pharmacy. The first time, she saves his life. The second time, they become friends. The third time, they fall in love – only to find out about their sick twisted fates that intertwine like no other. How will they manage to figure this out while dealing with all the drama that is already happening in the capital? Murder, treason, lies, conspiracy, betrayal, friendship, love, companionship, loyalty – they all take place in the capital, and they all take place in Baek Kwanghyun and Kang Jinyong’s life…

That plot summary does not do the drama justice at all! I don’t know how I can praise this drama without over-praising it 😛 In my opinion, it was everything a drama ought to have – and more! I love how we met so many different characters, and not just for a brief meeting, but throughout the drama. When I saw the last episode, I was thinking of how much I was going to miss them all. They’re so precious! Yes, you’ll meet a lot of different evil people in the drama that will make you want to choke somebody. But the good people of the drama will make you cry. This drama made me emotionally unstable! haha

The main character is played by Cho Seung Woo, which is an actor I had never heard of before. I am 100% honest when I say that I cannot picture anyone else playing that role. He was out of this world! He’s the kind of person that is not particularly handsome or eye-catching, but he’s personality will slowly but surely shine through to the point where you can’t see anything but beauty and goodness in him. I fell in love with everything that he was.

The leading couple were really good together as well which pleased me a lot! They were just extremely cute. Their happiness together made me smile like fool and their sadness together made me cry like a bigger fool! Lol, but I don’t want to talk more about the drama!!! A drama is indeed best when it surprises you, and I don’t want to deprive anyone of that joy. The drama does have 50 episodes, but I’ll be honest, I don’t even know where those 50 episodes went… (^-^)

Another great drama finshed. The feeling never gets old….

[Dazzling Snowfall]



Diamonds in the dirt

Hey Beauties! Not too long ago I was actually searching for good korean dramas that people had watched. I came to realize something – I was not surprised! I read list after list and most of them had the same dramas! So I came up with this idea; why not make a Top 10 underrated Korean Dramas list? Just to freshen things up a bit 😉 I guess there is only one thing to say then…lets-go-and-be-adventurers-wallpaper

A little disclaimer would be that these are not my all time favorite dramas! These dramas will be my top 10 favorite underrated dramas; or diamonds in the dirt, as I like to call them 😀

NR 10 

Can you hear my heart

Can You Hear My Heart wallpaper

This drama has excitement, romance, passion, deceite, revenge and so much more in it! You wouldn’t believe it from just the wallpaper. But more than anything – It’s heartwarming. More than words can describe. Truly enjoyed watching it and I’m very suprised that more people haven’t got this drama as one of the “good” dramas they’ve seen!

NR 9

My love by my side


This is probably the longest drama I’ve seen. If I remeber correctly, it had 50 episodes. I would call this a traditional family drama. By that I mean, we meet and get to know more people than we usually would in a “regular” drama. Nonetheless, this drama was ridiculous! Ridiculously good! I have to admit, no matter how good it was, I still wished it was shorter, but I don’t regret watching it at all! I have never, and I repeat, NEVER hated someone as much as I hated one of the mothers. If you see or have seen the drama, you will know EXACTLY who I’m talking about. HAHA! But on a serious note, this drama has some serious tension and a GREAT plot. Trust me!

NR 8

Tamna the Island


Oh, come joy!! You have no idea how much FUN I had watching this drama. If you’re looking for something funny, interesting, unique and cute; then this is the drama for you. I still can’t understand why so many people haven’t heard of it or given it a chance. This drama was a treat for me!

NR 7

Creating destiny


Just looking at this poster makes me happy 😀 I would call this a traditional family drama as well considering the fact that we meet a lot of couples and their love stories as well. But I would on no note compare this drama to “My love by my side”. This drama is strictly happiness 😛 The issues that occur are minor and you won’t hate anyone, but when it comes to loving anyone, I can’t promise you anything there haha! Hands down one of the most heartwarming and cutest drama I’ve ever seen. 100 % L.E.G.I.T

NR 6

City hall


This drama is so special to me O_O I can’t really explain it, it’s just a feeling I get when I watch it. But this drama has true aspects of comedy and romance. It’s such a beautiful mixture. I laughed soooo hard and at the same time I was in love haha! And I have mentioned earlier on another post that the main couple have an extremely strong connection. Almost to the point where you feel like you’re intruding in their personal life. I’m so happy to have found this drama. Don’t be scared by the dramas name. Politics is only their surrounding, but their love is the driving force. Exceptional!

NR 5

Smile you


This drama is so cute -_- To the point where I almost started to dislike my own life haha! I really enjoyed it though. I got really attached to both families and their situation. STILL can’t believe why this drama is not popular! I understand that it has around 40- something episodes, but hey, sometimes that’s what you have to sacrifice in order to experience a good drama 😛 Absoloutely adorable and veeeery close to my heart!

NR 4

The greatest love


This drama might not be as underrated as the other dramas here, but still, it deserves more props! I cannot explain in words how much I LAUGHED MY BUTT OFF during this drama. I think that this drama and Wild Romance need a battle to figure out which one is funnier. I seriously don’t know. All I remember is having tears in my eyes. The amount of ridiculous scenes in this drama is crazy! But they still manage to have a pretty interesting and great plot! This drama really succeeded in sooo many ways! Complexity, I guess you can say 😉

NR 3

Stars falling from the sky


Okay, what? This drama is… I don’t know how many times I’ve watched it! I seriously felt stupid when I finished it. Like how could I ever have missed out on such a good drama? Granted, it’s been years now, so I don’t know if my “experienced drama eyes” will find it as good as it once was, but trust me! I LOVED it!! When I say love, I mean that this drama would probably be in my top 10 favorite dramas of all time!

NR 2



We’ve already talked about this haha! This drama is crazy. I can’t go into detail cause I might just end this post and go watch it 😛 This is my all time favorite historical drama, right next to Hong Gil Dong and Iljimae, which both by the way are AMAZING! The reason why Chuno shocks me more than other underrated dramas is because it’s a great drama for both girls AND boys. So one would think that this drama would fly off the roof! But it didn’t and I find that odd. The soundtrack is also one thing that amazed me. It’s the first time I have actually payed attention the the OST as it was probably one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard. Especially the fighting scenes. Speechless.

NR 1

I’ts okay, daddy’s girls


Here we have it. My number 1 favorite underrated korean drama! This drama found a safe place in my heart and I haven’t been able to let it go ever since. It’s so precious that I haven’t even recommended this drama to my close friends. I feel like it’s mine or something haha, so consider yourself lucky 😛 This drama took me away to another world, and I sometimes escape to visit it. It was beautiful, I can’t really say anything else. I laughed, I cried, I smiled, I fell in love. More than anything; it was a true diamond in the dirt..

There you have my little list! I hope you enjoyed it 😉

Till next time


[Dazzling Snowfall]

How innocent are you really?


I just feel like I have to write this in the heat of the moment. It’s half past midnight…

I finished watching the drama Innocent man at this very moment! This drama was one of the dramas I considered watching and then forgot all about its existence. I recently re-discovered it and decided to try my luck! I have to be honest; I’m a rom-com kinda girl. Melo’s are usually not my cup of tea, but the plot is usually what sells it for me…

I was sold.

What I liked about this drama was the solid plot. The story is extremely complex and intriguing. I wanted to get to know the characters more and more. They were all riddles I wanted to solve. I remember watching it and thinking: wow, this drama is really an onion! The layers simply never stop.

Another thing that I liked was the fact that even the “bad” people in this drama weren’t really that bad! I think that the main reason for that was because we slowly, but surely, found out why they did what they did. We find compassion in a hopeless place. I found myself not being able to hate the hateful, but rather pity and forget.

This drama made me think of how short life is. How we take a happy healthy life for granted. Life is truly precious. Honestly, it made me tear up a bit, but hey! That could just be my emotionally unstable ass 😛

So far you might think that it’s an extremely serious drama; trust me….


Lol, don’t worry! There are a lot of fun moments in the drama and heartwarming moments as well. All in all; a drama you shouldn’t miss out on 😉

[Dazzling Snowfall]



I didn’t go to school…

Hello loveliiiiies ❤


It’s been a little while, huh? There were a lot of times that I considered posting, but I just felt like I had nothing to say, really. I have actually been watching a couple of dramas, I’m just struggling with the finishing parts 😛 I’ll have a couple of reviews up not too long from now 😉

I’m still not head over heels for any dramas. It’s beeeeen what, almost a year now? And I still have not made a treasure found! O.O soooo disappointed in myself. I can’t recall any good dramas after King 2 hearts and Rooftop prince. Trust me, I have come to the conclusion that it’s me. There is something wrong with me and not the dramas. 😛 Just to say it like this; if I ever make a flawless review of a drama that I thought was INCREDIBLE, you’re in for a TREAT… no lie O_O

Other then my kdrama issues, there’s school. -______- and all the fun and love that follows!… sometimes, I feel like jumping…


I have no idea what you were picturing o.O

Stay in school!

Until next time 😉 ~

[Dazzling Snowfall]

Some Things Take Time…


Hey everyone!
Long time no see, huh.. I feel so bad!… I see Dazz has put up some interesting posts 🙂

(I love this song! Especially when he says “geuman annyeong~”)

I have been so busy the past few months, it feels surreal. Buuut.. I think I got the hang of this now, so I’m hoping to come back and post a few times here and there..

So today.. I have been procrastinating like there’s no tomorrow.. haha.. and to my delight I have a quiz in around 6 hours.. Psyiigh~

Anyway.. So today I watched “Flower Boy Next Door“!.. I have been curious about this drama for a while now because of the cast [Park Shin Hye and Yoon Shi Yoon], so I thought I’d check it out. I have finished 10 episodes, and what I can conclude on.. is that it’s a cute drama..

It doesn’t escalate all that quickly or have you sitting on the edge of your chair all the time.. but it’s a cute story if you are bored one day and feel like watching something simple. HOWEVER.. I don’t know if it was my enthusiasm or what.. haha but I thought that it was quite funny.. There were several moments where I had a good laugh!

The first ending theme xD.. it reminds me of an anime opening or something, but I like it.

Do check it out in your spare time, if you haven’t. It’s the next production after “Flower Boy Ramyun Shop” and “Shut Up Flower Boy Band”.

Untill we “meet” again 😉

– Soul.

The king of wuuut?


Hello little cupcakes ^-^

I started to watch this drama called The King Of Dramas around two weeks ago. This drama was airing around november and I had noooo clue. How did I manage to let this drama slip before me? How did I let it pass? But there is no need to worry, I caught it as it was quietly trying to escape me muahahahah *the scariest evil laugh ever*

Before watching it, I was reading the description to see what the drama was about. In other words; to find out if the drama is worth watching! This is what I literally encountered: The tyranny behind producers, writers, staff, actors and actresses and others in the broadcasting industry.

I literally shed a tear. I have seen soooo many good dramas that have such poorly written descriptions. Out of annoyance and prior experiences; I decided to watch it despite the huge disappointment I was reading. The ironic and funny part about this is that the description was correct. I mean, of course they could have written it a thousand times better, but the drama is literally about a drama that is being produced and the hardships that follow. LITERALLY. Woahhh! Mind=Blown!

Another thing I want to note is the title. The drama is called The King Of Dramas, and it couldn’t be better. The male lead, who is a drama producer, really is the king of dramas!! How often do you see a drama with a relevent or comprehensible title?? I personally looooved the drama. It was really good in my eyes and I recommend it. Yes, it can be tiring at times as there are sooo many obstacles, but it’s worth it!

A little confession? I didn’t watch the last two episodes…. but then again, I wouldn’t be Dazzling Snowfall if I did 😛

[Dazzling Snowfall]



Oohlala5 copia 2.png

Happy New Year cuties! I hope that 2013 is treating you right so far 😉 I had a lovely holiday break with adorable family members. Sometimes all we need is to stop for a second and just take it all in! Everything is not as bad as we believed it to be and life is better than we thought! Blessed I guess you could say 😀

Life has gone back to mainly studying. I did get the chance to meet Soulful Stardust on New Years Eve! I hadn’t seen her since August! The life of a student studying abroad is not easy 😛 It was wonderful ❤ bogoshipeosseo 😦 

Mainly studying; yes, but more importantly (haha) DRAMA WATCHING!!! 😛 I was fortunate enough to stumble upon the drama called Oohlala spouses. The drama is basically about a couple that’s been married for 12 years. They have a son and they live with the husband’s mother and his sister. The wife is sick of taking care of everyone and everything so they end up divorcing (easier said than done). What makes this drama unique is that during a “car accident” they change bodies! What are they going to do now? How are they suppose to tell everyone that they got a divorce, when they can’t afford to be apart from each other now? They need each other! They need to change back! Two words I can use to describe this drama would be: intriguingly funny. I laughed hard, but at the same time I was intrigued and curious. The drama is not amazing, but it’s good.

Surprisingly enough, this drama became more of a cliché. For some reason I didn’t expect it to be so. I had trouble finishing the last episodes. They were a bit boring and I started to sense what was going to happen. I loooooove happy endings, but sometimes I need a wake up call. This drama could really have advertised the fact that some people are just not meant to be. It’s as simple as that…

All in all; I don’t feel like I wasted my time on it, just a little bit at the end 😛 Don’t settle for less just because you feel like you don’t deserve better. Settle for what makes you happy <3<3<3

[Dazzling Snowfall]